
Local Governing Body

Local Governing Body

The LGB derives its powers through Trustees from the scheme of delegation. Whilst the Board of Trustees may delegate some of its quality assurance functions, the Board is clear that it alone is the body responsible for all aspects of Trust schools’ performance.
The LGB has the operational overview of all school matters except staffing, health and safety and finance. The purpose of the LGB is to hold school leaders to account for keeping children safe and for raising standards. All governors on the LGB or in committee, play the role of the ‘critical friend’ or have a right to challenge school leaders and ask for further information. They also have a right to recommend actions. They should ask questions and scrutinise performance information and hear from a variety of professionals so that they not reliant on the Headteacher’s view alone. The key means of sharing information is the Headteacher’s report but the Trust has also resolved to share all external quality assurance reports, e.g. from the School Improvement Partner.
The Trust encourages and welcomes visits from members of all levels of governance. Governors have links to different departmental areas of the Academy and as the world recovers from Covid these visits are increasing.
The Trust acknowledges that governors are volunteers and on behalf of the schools for whom they work, they thank them for their contribution and commitment.

To contact the Chair Tel: 0116 2881228 Email: gjohnson@wigstonmat.org
Post: Executive Office – Governance, Wigston Academies Trust , Station Road, Wigston, Leics LE18 2DU 

Local Governing Body

Local Governing Body Declaration of pecuniary and business interests

Members Declaration of pecuniary and business interests

Trustees Declaration of pecuniary and business interests

Key Staff